
Why the IO

Topics in the IO

Age of Dudgeon

A Theory of Wealth

Hostage Takers

Rails to Prosperity

The American Dream


Modern Dilemma

Act like an Adult

Fractious Nation

Moving Forward


Elmwood Tornado Recovery Priorities

Essays after Tornado

Practical Steps

This Week that Was


Good Family Trips



just email: The Steve

Age of Dudgeon
A proposed balm for your angst

Yet information, connection, and organization offer more potential than money. The political movements for change whether: Occupy, Move On, Kossacks, CREDO, Get the Money Out, (how many more should I type), could unite in common cause. We must organize ourselves by Congressional district. A social interface that real people could join to make a real and measurable difference at the polls in their district.  In blue districts an undeniable power, in swing districts a deciding factor, and in red districts a potential threat. It could change the way of our politics, a time when majority support for policy after policy can be ignored in Congress.

The Democratic Party could do this, giving people incentive by making the district networks, the policy developing arm of the party.  When Blue Dogs drop a public option out of Obamacare; it would make a difference if that member knew 10,000, 20,000, 50,000? or more real voters in their primaries opposed this. Information and response in real time a new way of politics.  Anyone with connection to the national Democratic Party should suggest this vision.  Isn’t a hundred years of being known as no organized party, the Democrats, enough?

Red vs Blue Map

Assuming the Democratic Party won’t do this how about the collective wisdom of the groups for change doing this independent of the party?  Design an interface or simply choose one. After it is in place invite all members of each existing community to join the Congressional district network where they live. It will breathe life into the system. It will allow people to find connection and unity of purpose even in red districts. Some district networks will have the numbers to gain critical mass and be able to affect policy, immediately. Other districts will have the opportunity to work on outreach to get there before November.

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